Math 55, Spring 2017
This is the homepage for Spring 2017 Math 55 discussion sessions 115 and 116.
GSI: Kyle Miller
E-mail: kmill at
Meeting times: MW 3-4pm (Disc 110) in Dwinelle 205 or MW 4-5pm (Disc 108) in Dwinelle 251
Office hours: F 3-5pm in 1066 Evans, or by appointment
lecture, discussion
The math department publishes a rough course overview. There is also a collection of some past exams.
1. Information
Homework and quizzes: Each week’s homework will be due the following Wednesday in discussion, but you may use a free automatic two-day extension to turn it in by bringing it to my office, 1066 Evans (and make sure to write “Math 55 c/o Kyle Miller” at the top). Quizzes will be the first fifteen minutes of discussion every other Wednesday, starting Jan 25.
Homework is assigned on the syllabus.
The homework is graded on completion, but it is in your best interest to work hard on it. Read “To the student” (from page xviii) in the textbook for some advice.
Attendance: I do not keep track of attendance (though you should appear for the quizzes!). It is up to you to determine how you are going to learn the material.