import Examples.Topology section theorem rudin {X : Type*} [TopologicalSpace X] (E : Set X) : IsOpen E ↔ IsClosed Eᶜ := by constructor · intro hop apply isClosed_iff_clusterPt'.2 intro x hx have hx' : x ∉ interior E := by intro hi rcases mem_interior.1 hi with ⟨U, hU, hop, hm⟩ rcases hx U (IsOpen.mem_nhds hop hm) hop with ⟨y, hy⟩ exact absurd (hU (Set.mem_of_mem_inter_left hy)) ((Set.mem_compl_iff _ _).1 <| Set.mem_of_mem_inter_right hy) have hintc := Set.compl_subset_compl_of_subset (subset_interior_iff_isOpen.2 hop) exact hintc hx' · intro hc apply subset_interior_iff_isOpen.1 intro x hx have hx' : x ∉ Eᶜ := Set.not_mem_compl_iff.mpr hx have hnc : ¬ClusterPt' x Eᶜ := by intro h exact absurd (isClosed_iff_clusterPt'.1 hc _ h) hx' rcases not_clusterPt'_principal_iff.1 hnc with ⟨N, hN, hop, he⟩ apply mem_interior.2 use N, he, hop exact mem_of_mem_nhds hN